UK-Based Carrier
UK-Based Carrier
UK-Based Carrier

UK-Based Carrier

When this carrier came to us in 1999, it was because they wanted to use our Operations Management Software to replace their existing software. Our product had more features, a priority for their growing airline.

  • 45+

    Carrier has over 45 Aircrafts

  • 65+

    Over 65 intl. flights per day

  • 24+ Years

    Working together for over 24 Years

When this carrier came to us in 1999, it was because they wanted to use our Operations Management Software to replace their existing software. Our product had more features, a priority for their growing airline.

Currently, the company operates more than 45 aircraft that carry out 65+ international flights per day. The management and operations teams have fully integrated OMS, using it for a variety of task that include:

  • Operations Management
  • Aircraft Routing
  • Short-Term Maintenance Scheduling
  • Long-Range Operations
  • Hangar Maintenance Control
  • Schedule Planning
  • CRC Coordination with Reservations
  • Seat Mapping

Because of this deep integration, the air carrier has developed an efficient workflow that allows them to keep moving even as conditions change. Consider the following flow of events:

After a seasonal schedule is developed, an SSIM file is passed to OMS. That information is then expanded into scheduled flight legs.

The Commercial Planning team then uses OMS to oversee all schedule changes, flows, maintenance slots, charters, and updates to other systems.

Each night, a batch process compares OMS to the carrier’s reservation system to ensure both are in sync with one another. Any mismatches are reported to CRC.

With this chain in place, the carrier is able to maintain a 14-day operational window. New flights are created within a 24-hour period. At that point the carrier can use the OMS aircraft routing feature to assign flights.

As operations unfold all events can be seen and managed through OMS, which updates other connected systems through MQSeries XML messages. Additionally, all ACARS messages – including OOOI teams, gate and air returns, door closures, etc. – are transferred and processed through OMS.

OMS even updates the reservation systems with all time and delay events. It also queries the reservation platform for passenger booking and closeout notifications. And finally, all maintenance tasks are scheduled through our platform.

To put things differently, our software is crucial to this airline’s operations. What could it do for your teams?

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UK-Based Carrier