Global Freight Carrier
Global Freight Carrier
Global Freight Carrier

Global Freight Carrier

Passenger airlines are not the only companies that face complex logistical challenges when it comes to managing equipment, crews, and maintenance. One of the earliest SSI customers is a global freight carrier who first partnered with us in 1996.

  • 245+

    Carrier has over 245 Aircrafts

  • 1,000+

    Over 1,000 intl. and domestic flights per day

  • 27+ Years

    Working together for over 27 Years

Passenger airlines are not the only companies that face complex logistical challenges when it comes to managing equipment, crews, and maintenance. One of the earliest SSI customers is a global freight carrier who first partnered with us in 1996.

The company maintains a fleet of 245 aircraft, operating 1,000 domestic and international flights daily. They initially implemented our Operations Management System as a tool for improved aircraft routing. Soon, they expanded its use among operations managers and maintenance planners.

Today, this carrier has integrated OMS into their systems by MQ and proprietary messaging. As the company has grown, we have continued to tailor our software to meet their unique operational needs. For instance, departments have begun adding unique restriction modules (which allow them to specify which aircraft can operate at certain ranges, over water, or in inclement weather, as examples) to streamline scheduling.

These changes make it possible to build functional schedules with less effort. They also ensure that relevant guidelines for safety and compliance are met with each flight.

While hauling goods and packaging requires different business rules and priorities than moving passengers, the fact of the matter is that every SSI customer works under unique circumstances. That is why we put development, customization, and reliability at the heart of everything we do.

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Global Freight Carrier